Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Sunday, December 30, 2007


A film maker is someone who has made a film and put the film out there for others to see.
Wisconsin has a few. I am blessed to know some of them.
A wantabe is someone who talks a good game or wishes that the goverment or some other person or thing will come around and do it for them (with a big check at the end of it) and would never send a film off to a fest (It is just not right) when given a chance to help others do not follow up leaving projects in the lurch. I know a lot of these folks too. (good also at making art films)
The trouble is that the wantabe's are good at geting power over what others create. Thank God over time they blow away.

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