Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fraud Part II

So this morning on one of the lists I am on we yet again have a drive to take the moderator's class
and use the guy to help in film projects. Great I talked about this I am sure the list moderator is using the list to get him business.
The question was fake too that being mr. X has a film that he thanks will cost say 50 Million to make and he has meeting lined up with a bunch of high powered Hollywood types, and Mr. X wants to be sure of his budget. Why go to a YAHOO List vs calling one of these big shots and asking for help in this? Since Mr X has no IMDB credit or anything backing him as a film maker able to do anything, who is going to give him 50 MILLION yet alone $5? Now I am thinking questions to this Yahoo list a fraud too. Why am I not surprised?