Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

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indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Monday, January 12, 2009

RDI Opening


So I went to the RDI Stages grand opening in St. Francis, Wisconsin on Thursday. It was an interesting time. LOTS AND LOTS of folk were there. My guess would be over 500 people in the main room and a few hundred in the other parts of the studio area.

Unlike so many other film events that I have been to in Milwaukee, FILM MAKERS were there (yes, really truly)…nice speeches by the politicians and it was good to see the Lt. Governor get the recognition that she deserves. She did some great things to make Film Wisconsin happen, not so much the mayor of Milwaukee. Of course he was there. I would have liked to have seen my Reps. there like Rep. Robin Voss and Rep. Robert Turner, who both moved heaven and earth to get Film Wisconsin passed (as well as helped with “It Came From Lake Michigan”).

Of course the hardest working actor in Milwaukee, William Zenobia, was there with his bride to be (best of luck you guys). I guess the film he is producing, “Into The Pit,” (the Story of Dead Pit.com) is coming along well. One of the best things I saw was Bill getting pitched to be in an upcoming film because his work and work ethic are well known. I hear that far too many "actors" do a great job in wishing versus networking. (Note to others—if you are looking to get film work, try letting others know what you can do for them.)

I got to meet some folks who are going to change the city of Milwaukee’s outlook on film, one being Tam Nguyen, who is leading the way with a great Web site: http://www.conduitcinema.com Check it out. We are very happy that he is helping us out at Darkside Films/ Darkside girls.

Another cat I met and talked to for sometime was Mr. Dwight Cannon Jr., a mover/ shaker with Creative Spurts (http://www.creativespurts.com). I also had the chance to talk to Mr. Dan Kattman of Lighting Rod, none better in Milwaukee, and yes, I did beg him to play a dead guy in one of his films. Good news is he agreed to be on an Indy Film Wisconsin Podcast!

Wisconsin Rocks! Now lets work to keep the Film Wisconsin tax credits going and to do what we can to contact Governor Jim Doyle and tell him, “Hands off the tax credits.”

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