Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Friday, February 22, 2008

Haunted Fundraiser Kenosha WI 2/29/08

'Haunted" Fundraiser/Get-to-gether Event!
Houston's Corner Bar in Kenosha, WI will host this event!

Friday February 29th, 2008--Kenosha, WI


We are having our first Fundraiser for "Haunted" at Houston's Corner bar. For address and location use the link here:

Houstons Corner Bar

We are collecting $5.00per person at the door as a free-will donation towards production and there will be two t-shirts from the film haunted for raffle and a few other prizes.

This is a small place but the fundraising will be from 7pm until at the very least 11pm.

If you want to donate more than the $5.00 that is all up to you at the door.

The free-will donations will go towards production to film the rest of "Haunted" short film due for release Fall of this year (2008)

Please visit: www.hauntedthefilm.com for full details on the film and view the "Fundraiser Event" TAB on that same website, thanks!