Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Web

The web in a short time will be the place to find your media entertainment. Film makers (not art film) should be making the plans to start the move.
The films will be cheaper to make
Less expensive to watch
Allows more to the marketplace of ideas

A good thing for everyone well maybe not some like SAG will power over members go away since the Hollywood system will be killed off. One will not have to go SAG to get good talent.
The funding will come I think not by investors more like TV advertising model or product placement.
Now what can we do today to get where we need to be?

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