Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Indy Film Wisconsin

Indy Film Wisconsin

BTR stands for Blog Talk Radio
An Indy Film is a film made with a budget under 5 million U.S.
Indy is my way of saying Independent Film
Film is a Film or Video

 Helping Indy Film Makers in Wisconsin and around the world create and distribute their products.
 Indy Film Wisconsin will be the knives edge on new technology to create, distribute, fund and produce these films.
 Indy Film Wisconsin will promote Wisconsin as a great place to create film projects.


Blog Talk Radio:

Indy Film Wisconsin is an internet “Radio” show that seeks to interview Indy film Actors, Crew, Directors, and Producers. From time to time we will bring larger “B” film folks on such as Uwe Boll and Sazzy Vega when we can do so.
Anyone who would like to be on the show who is involved in Indy Film may ask to be on the show. I will do what I can to bring you on


Indy Film Wisconsin will restart the Blog as a way to broadcast press releases; also update information on guests we may have had on the BTR show, and other information as we obtain it.

Production assistance:

Indy Film Wisconsin will offer assistance to productions by linking productions with locations, marketing, and press as needed. Indy Film Wisconsin will be more than happy to use our vast network within State and local Governments around the State to aid productions, as well as our links to the business community for the best deals possible.

Web site:

This tool will have searchable database of actors and crew.
Basic listing will be free. Casting calls will be listed and Actors may have head shots and reels. Crew can have demo reels and post resumes, trailers may be posted. Indy Film Wisconsin will keep costs for film makers as low as possible. Production companies and film related business will be encouraged to take out advertising or sponsorships.
We will link to those who are willing to link to Indy Film Wisconsin.
Unlike other web sites we will not check references, since we are all claiming to be professionals or on that path; we will trust those who post and that during the hiring process that all necessary checks will be made. Buyer beware, hire at your own risk. However Indy Film Indy Film Wisconsin reserves the right for final say on who may use the site.

This web site and Indy Film Wisconsin should NOT be taken as anything other than an effort to move Film forward in Wisconsin and around the world internationally.


Indy Film Wisconsin will restart the free film workshops in Milwaukee. More information will be forthcoming.

Project Racine:

Indy Film Wisconsin will start helping non profits and select others in Racine Wisconsin with low cost PSA (Public Service Announcements) and other WEB 2.0 media. We will start relationships with Racine Unified School District and other schools to find youth who may wish to learn WEB 2.0.
Indy Film Wisconsin is not seeking to compete with producers for paid work. Rather we see this as a way to help groups get a message out that may not have the means to do so, and provide training to youth.

About Me:

My name is Wayne Clingman I live in Racine, WI. I helped to start Film Wisconsin, in fact I called the first meeting in Madison, WI as well I traveled the State promote to Film Wisconsin.

To help bring true Indy Horror-Sci-Fi and Fantasy to the Midwest, I founded “It Came from Lake Michigan” ICFLM Film Fest. The actor William Zenobia became the right hand of the film fest, and for two years we did great things from free walk in workshops to creating the Midwest’s largest Horror Sci-fi and Fantasy Film Fest. Something is in the works to take the place of ICFLM and we will see how this all pans out.


Indy Film Wisconsin
Wayne Clingman
236 Jones St
Racine WI, 53404

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