Welcome to Indy Film In Wisconsin

Please check out this site, if you have information or photos of your film project in Wisconsin please send it to
indyfilmwisconsin@gmail.com I would love to post the information.


Wayne Clingman

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fraud Part II

So this morning on one of the lists I am on we yet again have a drive to take the moderator's class
and use the guy to help in film projects. Great I talked about this I am sure the list moderator is using the list to get him business.
The question was fake too that being mr. X has a film that he thanks will cost say 50 Million to make and he has meeting lined up with a bunch of high powered Hollywood types, and Mr. X wants to be sure of his budget. Why go to a YAHOO List vs calling one of these big shots and asking for help in this? Since Mr X has no IMDB credit or anything backing him as a film maker able to do anything, who is going to give him 50 MILLION yet alone $5? Now I am thinking questions to this Yahoo list a fraud too. Why am I not surprised?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Darkside Girls

If your looking for a great site to view women looking to find work in horror films, a place to post information about your projects or perhaps a place to look for film work yourself....
Check out www.darksidegirls.net
The site ran by D.H Kahn and yours truly will in time become the place for all info fit to put on the web and a great place to find resources that you need.
Companies looking to advertise should contact me at wayne@darksidefilms.net for opportunities.
Unlike other sites Darkside Girls focus is to asset film makers/actors/crew to take skill sets up a notch.
A big think you to Mars at Dead House for his help in music for the BTR show to come!

Web Productions

I feel that the web is the place for beginning film makers to show their film. With all devices needing content ( PC's ,Ipod, cell phones, and game boxes) the demand is there and growing.
When you add that bandwidth costs are dropping making video distribution via your own web page easier and cost effective, becomes a no brainier.
The goal to achieve might even be create say a serial that can be downloaded for a fee and/or the complete show can be had on DVD with behind the scenes , interviews etc , for a higher price.
Fund raising for this type of effort is more like TV or radio ads then film investment model.
If you would like help in this, please contact me at: wclingman@wi.rr.com

Friday, November 28, 2008

Web Fraud

So spend some time on the film E lists I am on. Noticed something quite strange on one we have the same three or four folks not only answering the questions asked, but telling the list owner how great he is.
Wondering is the owner of the list using E Mail accounts he owns to create a sense of being THE GUY in Hollywood to learn from? ( You know take my class my Webaner etc) if so it that fraud?
I think I will send him an email and see if he offers refenice about his classes be interesting to see the answer.
Just be careful who/what school you sign up for a good resion to take classes at your local Tech school or CATV station.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Film Wisconsin Trivia

trivia there is a prize!!

Name the films that Film Wisconsin(The Film Office) brought to Wisconsin other then Public Enemies in 2007-8.

How many Studios does Wisconsin have as of 1 Nov 2008 that have made at least one film?

Email answers to wclingman@wi.rr.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Experts on line

Tell me why does the on line film group you belong to, ask the same questens that any DECA kid knows? And the claim to be experts?
The Head of On line Film School has yet to make or even work on a film and he want to charge how much !?!

Monday, November 24, 2008


The day is up to you. Action is far better then talk, talk is cheep NOTHING even got done by talking someone had to act move do whatever.
Sure it's hard to pick up that phone knowing that there 90% chance the investor is going to say no.
There is a 100% chance if you do not make the call.
Same with location or anything else.
Be brave take action today!

1# Queston I get asked

The number one question I am asked at Indy Film Wisconsin is how do I get money for my film.
The answer ASK!
But before you do (other then say your Mother/Grandfather)
Have a Business plan
Have a Marketing plan ( No, my space does not count)
Have a list of folks you want to talk to
Be ready to hear no a lot.

Side bar
The Government is NOT going to give you a Penney. Even with the Son of God being elected the government's is not nor should it give you one red cent.
Hint of the day if your movie might be entertaining makes it a lot easier to get funding.

How To Find me on line

Easy to find me on line.

Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/pub/5/562/1a5

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home (hope that's right)


I am a bad man. As you know by reading this I am not a writer so I am not the best in following on on this blog.
With all the cool thing going on with Sparta Rocks and quite probably The State of Wisconsin trying to FUCK the Film Wisconsin Tax Incentives there will be more news to write about then I know what do do with.
Please bear with me and my poor grammar /spelling.
Be catching up tonight and tomorrow. The n be taking it to them.